American Journal of Entomology

Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024

  • Research Article

    Rapid Identification of the Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus (Linnaeus) Basing on a New Amplification and Analysis Platform

    Wang Jiaying, Cui Junxia, Yan Shuyi, Liu Li, Chen Xianfeng*

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 60-67
    Received: 23 May 2024
    Accepted: 7 June 2024
    Published: 8 July 2024
    Abstract: Insects, one of the major disturbance agents, are regarded as a big challenge to forests. Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are among the most destructive pests around the world. The European spruce bark beetle I. typographus (Linnaeus) is considered the most dangerous species to mature spruce forests throughout Eurasia. In order... Show More
  • Research Article

    Composition of Parasitoid Wasps in Insect Pests of Rice (Rice Leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis Guenée)

    Khem Sokheng*, Siek Darith, Try Yorn, Heng Muy Kim, Leng Channy

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 68-75
    Received: 26 June 2024
    Accepted: 29 July 2024
    Published: 15 August 2024
    Abstract: Biological control is one aspect of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The method focusses on natural enemies; beneficial insects are applied for biological control of agricultural insect pests and also provide an environmentally friendly approach. For the rice pests including Rice Leaf Folder (RLF), several parasitoids tend to be natural enemies th... Show More
  • Research Article

    Effect of the Botanical Insecticides on Amegilla Friese, 1897 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Foraging on the Cowpea Flowers in Dang (Adamaoua, North-Cameroon)

    Taimanga, Moise Adamou, Georges Tchindebe, Moukhtar Mohammadou, Ousmana Youssoufa, Boris Fouelifack-Nintidem, Alice Virginie Tchiaze Ifoue, Andrea Sarah Kenne Toukem, Odette Massah Dabole, Oumarou Abdoul Aziz, Abraham Tchoubou-Sale, Sedrick Junior Tsekane, Daniel Kosini, Pharaon Auguste Mbianda, Martin Kenne*

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 76-101
    Received: 13 July 2024
    Accepted: 5 August 2024
    Published: 27 August 2024
    Abstract: Synthetic pesticides present risks of pollution of the environment, humans and livestock and the alternative proposed today is to use botanical extracts in the fields against crop pests. But in North Cameroon, little information exists concerning the effect of these extracts on useful pollinating insects in general and no information exists in part... Show More
  • Research Article

    Enzyme-Mediated Duplex Exponential Amplification: A New Platform for Rapid Screening of Hylurgus ligniperda

    Wang Jiaying, Cui Junxia, Yan Shuyi, Liu Li, Chen Xianfeng*

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 102-108
    Received: 23 July 2024
    Accepted: 12 August 2024
    Published: 27 August 2024
    Abstract: As the world's second largest timber importer, wood demand in China has been growing extremely rapidly, leading to an increase of 163% from 2009 to 2018. The plant quarantine pest H. ligniperda Fabricius, 1787 is an invasive species frequently intercepted at ports. H. ligniperda causes damage mainly to pine and spruce. To improve the efficiency of ... Show More
  • Research Article

    Revision of the Genus Aethalodes with a New Subspecies from Anhui, China (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)

    Zhou Yeyong*, Ding Zengfa

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 109-116
    Received: 13 August 2024
    Accepted: 2 September 2024
    Published: 11 September 2024
    Abstract: Aethalodes is a tiny genus in the subfamily Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 of the family Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802. It was established in 1888 with Aethalodes verrucosus Gahan, 1988 as the type species. In order to have a better and more complete understanding of this genus and the two known subspecies, the scientific literature on the genus and 2 kno... Show More
  • Research Article

    Population Dynamics of Coffee Thrips (Diarthrothrips coffeae) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Using Sticky Traps with Different Essential Oils

    Banchiamlak Nigussie Tefera*

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
    Pages: 117-126
    Received: 29 January 2024
    Accepted: 14 February 2024
    Published: 20 September 2024
    Abstract: Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is one of the most traded commodities worldwide, and it is grown in about 80 coffee producing countries. Ethiopia is the origin of coffea arabica L which is grown in different production systems. Insect pests are one of the biotic factors that contribute to low yield and quality. Thrips are key insect pests in several cof... Show More